2013 Apprenticeship Training
This year, MBI offered several apprenticeship opportunities under the Ohio Credible Data Law. This provides the opportunity for a qualified macroninvertebrate biologist to pursue Level 3 Qualified Data Collector (QDC) status. This is done by working under the mentorship of a Level 3 QDC for a period of at least six months while performing field sampling and sample processing. The Level 3 mentor monitors, assesses and documents each apprentice during this period of time. The apprentice is trained during this time for Level 3 benthic macroinvertebrate assessment – sample collection, identification and data evaluation.
In 2013 participants had the opportunity to sample sites with a Level 3 certified macroinvertebrate biologist in several stream basins throughout Ohio. Macroinvertebrate lab processing and identification techniques were instructed at the MBI facility in Hilliard, OH. Data evaluation was also conducted following organism identifications.