Course Instructors

Brian Gara

Brian Gara

  • 18 years of experience as a wetland ecologist with an emphasis on wetland plant assessment.
  • Over a 10-year period at Ohio EPA, trained hundreds of environmental professionals on the correct use of ORAM.
  • Lead developer of the streamlined VIBI protocols (“VIBI-FQ”) for use in monitoring of wetland restoration projects.

Wetland Ecologist
Martin J. Knapp

Martin J. Knapp

  • Developed the Wetland Invertebrate Community Index (WICI).
  • Participated in Ohio EPA biological assessment and criteria training programs.
  • 32 years of experience includes service on national and state working groups dealing with monitoring and assessment.

Macroinvertebrate Ecologist
Alex Roller-Knapp

Alex Roller-Knapp

  • Level 3 Qualified Data Collector – Macroinvertebrate Collection and Data Evaluation.
  • 13 years of biological sampling and conservation experience, including Macroinvertebrates, Fish, Water Quality and PHWH assessments throughout the Midwest.
  • 4 years of experience instructing Macroinvertebrate and Salamander Collection.

Macroinvertebrate Ecologist
Edward T. Rankin

Edward T. Rankin

  • Lead trainer in the Ohio Credible Data Program for Level 2 and 3 Qualified Data Collectors for habitat evaluation.
  • 28 years of experience includes service on national and state working groups dealing with monitoring and assessment, Clean Water Act reporting, National Academy of Sciences, and EPA Science Advisory Board.

Stream Ecologist
Matt Sarver

Matt Sarver

  • Level 3 Qualified Data Collector for Fish Community and Habitat Evaluation.
  • Trainer in the Ohio Credible Data Program for Level 3 Fish Community and Level 2/Level 3 Habitat Evaluation
  • 10 years of experience conducting biological and water quality assessments in Ohio and other midwestern states.

Fish Ecologist
Chris O. Yoder

Chris O. Yoder

  • Lead instructor in the Ohio Credible Data Program for Level 2 and 3 Qualified Data Collectors for biological assessment and criteria, fish community assessment, and habitat evaluation.
  • Oversees the development and execution of Level 3 Project Study Plans in Ohio rivers and streams for numerous clients.
  • Forty-six (46) years of experience with national, regional, and state working groups and committees dealing with monitoring and assessment, biological criteria, environmental indicators, temperature criteria, and water quality standards (WQS).

Research Director