MBI's education program is driven by methods rooted in science,
and the core value of caring for the environment.
MBI offers a number of training courses aimed at professionals and citizen groups alike. MBI has conducted technically intensive personalized trainings for many years, and offers a wide range of high quality courses for anyone interested in increasing their knowledge and skills in aquatic resource ecology and evaluation. We believe that when environmental and conservation professionals are fully informed, better decisions about the wise use of resources are made possible.
*Please Note: Ohio EPA adopted revised credible data rules effective March 1, 2021. As a result, there is no longer a stand-alone Level 3 QDC Certification for QHEI. In addition, the rules added Level 3 specialties for Salamanders and Headwater Habitat Evaluation Index (HHEI). We anticipate that new training requirements will be forthcoming from EPA, and MBI hopes to offer training that meets these requirements at that time. Until then, we are not offering our Primary Headwater Habitat Training (PHWH). However, we will continue to offer Level 3 training for Fish/Habitat (QHEI) and Macroinvertebrate/Habitat (QHEI) specialties. We will also continue to offer Level 2 QHEI training and testing as we have in the past.
Our educational offerings cover many aspects of wetland, stream, and river monitoring and bioassessment, including courses that provide certification as Level 2 and Level 3 Qualified Data Collectors.
Looking for something but can't find it or not sure which course is right for you?
The QHEI is a tool used to assess the habitat quality of streams and rivers. Originally developed for use in Ohio, the QHEI is now broadly used in other states.
ORAM is used in Ohio's wetland permitting program to categorize wetlands for permit reviews and is also an excellent rapid assessment tool for determining wetland ecological condition.
Vegetation Index of Biotic Integrity (VIBI) and Vegetation Index of Biotic Integrity-Floristic Quality (VIBI-FQ) Monitoring Protocols training to fully prepare attendees for their wetland plant community assessment work.
The Midwest Biodiversity Institute offers a wide range of wetland training courses aimed at providing environmental professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to perform accurate wetland delineations, wetland evaluations and bioassessments, as well as be confident in their wetland flora and fauna identifications. All of our wetland courses are certified by the Society of Wetland Scientists.
ORAM is used in Ohio's wetland permitting program to categorize wetlands for permit reviews and is also an excellent rapid assessment tool for determining wetland ecological condition.
MBI offers classes for those seeking to become Qualified Data Collectors (QDCs) under the Ohio Credible Data Program.
The QHEI is a tool used to assess the habitat quality of streams and rivers. Originally developed for use in Ohio, the QHEI is now broadly used in other states.
Fish are widely used by federal, state, and local governments as a key biological assemblage to monitor river and stream health. MBI offers instructional training in the concepts, methods, and applications of fish assemblage data to environmental monitoring and assessment.
Five-day course of classroom and field instruction prepares a trainee to complete field and laboratory testing required to obtain Level 3 QDC status for macroinvertebrate sampling and identification.
*Please Note: Ohio EPA adopted revised credible data rules effective March 1, 2021. As a result, there is no longer a stand-alone Level 3 QDC Certification for QHEI. In addition, the rules added Level 3 specialties for Salamanders and Headwater Habitat Evaluation Index (HHEI). We anticipate that new training requirements will be forthcoming from EPA, and MBI hopes to offer training that meets these requirements at that time. Until then, we are not offering our Primary Headwater Habitat Training (PHWH). However, we will continue to offer Level 3 training for Fish/Habitat (QHEI) and Macroinvertebrate/Habitat (QHEI) specialties. We will also continue to offer Level 2 QHEI training and testing as we have in the past.
Primary Headwater Habitat (PHWH) training covers the protocols developed by Ohio EPA to assess the quality of small, primary headwater streams. Due to their size these streams are not suitable to be assessed using the biological and habitat assessments for larger streams and rivers.
The Primary Headwater Habitat (PHWH) course trains individuals in the use of a set of methods designed to assess the ecological condition of smaller streams.
With MBI you can combine your interests and become a Citizen Scientist! As an extension of our commitment to protect our environment and to empower local citizens to become environmental stewards, we offer citizen science courses at a nominal fee. Citizen Science research offers an important opportunity for interested citizens to collaborate with professional scientists.
This course is ideal for anyone from beginners to those interested in expanding their skills.
Also known as the cQHEI, this course is ideal for anyone interested in learning the basics in assessing the habitat quality of our local streams.