Blair Prusha has worked with MBI for the past 9 years. His primary focus has been on macroinvertebrate surveys, although he has also done GIS work, helped with fish surveys, and jumped in on a multitude of other projects.
Blair accepted a position last month as a Research Assistant at the OSU Aquatic Ecology Lab. His new work is on phosphorus cycling in the Maumee River Basin as it pertains to harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the Western Basin of Lake Erie. The focus of the research is to determine if streams are a net source or a net sink of phosphorus to the lake by performing in-stream experiments to determine the amount of phosphorus uptake from artificial slugs under natural conditions. The final goal is to improve the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) models that describe phosphorus loading into Lake Erie.
Blair has been an asset to MBI and has been terrific to work with. Although we will miss him, we are excited to see him pursue other research opportunities, and wish him the best of luck!