Analyzing the Influence of Continuous Dissolved Oxygen Variables on Aquatic Life: Identifying Thresholds and Relationships with Biological Assemblage Performance in Northeast Illinois Rivers and Streams
The City of Columbus Division of Sewers and Drains (DOSD) and MBI announce the release of a second major report on the historical ecological success story of Central Ohio’s two major rivers
Perhaps one of the more important observations of the 2018 bioassessment is that the entry of the large volumes of treated municipal wastewater were beneficial and likely offset some the otherwise detrimental impacts.
This project involved the systematic sampling of non-wadeable rivers in Maine with the goal of developing a fish assemblage assessment tool...
The 2012 bioassessment of the Little Miami River and tributaries is the second of four years of sampling and analysis that is being conducted following the design...
The data included in this report was derived as part of the basis for developing a stressor identification guide for Southeast Ohio.
In order to pursue better use of biological assessments, the Upper Mississippi River Basin Association's Water Quality Task Force initiated...
In support of the state development of refined aquatic life uses in their water quality standards (WQS) U.S. EPA produced a document that outlines the concepts, methods, resources, and organization.